Better Soda Fountain Design
Below is a photo of the soda fountain at Panda Express. The Problem People often have their hands full and have only one hand available to both hold the cup and fill the soda. This is especially likely at a place like Panda Express where a plate of food and cup is handed to you …
A typographic puzzle
From “Stop Stealing Sheep & Learn How Type Works”: This is a typographic puzzle. Which typeface do you think fits which shoe?
Bed Bath & Beyond’s type crime.
One of the very first lessons I was taught in typography class was to refrain from stretching or skewing type. Typeface designers spend hours tweaking various strokes, the x-height, the ascenders and descenders, the angle of the stems and spines, etc. so that the font family is consistent and all aspects of the letterforms relate …
So my internship is reaching its cessation and I will miss it-I’ve had a blast at third degree. I hope I can land a job this awesome when I graduate. Speaking of graduating, holy cow! Monday will be my last first day of school and I have a lot to do this semester (you know, …
The Big Apple
Today I returned from New York City and I had a blast. The trip went by entirely too fast. New York truly is one of the greatest cities in the world. New York is a great accumulation of culture, ideas, and activity. At the foundation of the monumental skyscrapers and billboards are some of the …